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Don’t Put Off Your Annual Examinations

May 20, 2022
Don’t Put Off Your Annual Examinations
Many people, particularly those in good health, regard their annual physical examination as insignificant.

Many people, particularly those in good health, regard their annual physical examination as insignificant. Annual physicals, however, are highly important, regardless of your age or health status, so if you’ve been putting it off because you feel fine, here are some reasons why you should reconsider and come in for a check-up at FaithFirst Health Clinic& Urgent Care.

  • Undiagnosed Medical Conditions

    Your primary care physician collaborates with you to identify and address any problems before they become worse and more serious. By skipping your annual exam, you run the risk of missing major medical conditions when they are most treatable.

  • Updated Vaccinations

    As time passes, many people have no idea what immunizations they are currently up to date on. You can ensure that you are up-to-date on your immunizations by getting an annual physical exam.

  • Follow-up on Medications and Chronic Conditions

    Medication effectiveness declines over time for a variety of reasons. During an annual visit, it is critical to discuss your current medications with your physician. A careful review of your lab results can identify issues that can be resolved by switching to a different medication or adjusting your current dosage.

  • Predictive health

    Your doctor can utilize your family history, lifestyle, and test results during these visits to an urgent care clinic in La Plata, Maryland, to identify potential health risks and keep you healthy in the future.

Our urgent care in Temple Hills, Maryland provides easy access to general and specialized health services. We direct our attention to your medical needs with professional urgency. Visit us today!